Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Secret Place

'When we spend time with the Lord in prayer and in His Word, we are in the secret place of God's presence'. Joyce Meyer

Years ago one of my favourite books was 'The Secret Garden' - a secret, safe place to retreat surrounded by the most beautiful trees, scents and colours. I longed to have my own 'secret garden' one day, where I could run away and hide in place that no one knew was there. A place filled with beauty, secrets & mystery...

Years later, I was in the midst of a fairly big storm in my life (more like a tornado) and was having a coffee with an amazing woman of God who spoke simple truths into my life.

"You have to find your secret place." she said with conviction. "Noone can take away what you find there. It's the place where you meet God."

That stuck with me. It was really between me and God and how important it was to me to set aside time to really connect with Him and hear from Him without the constant distractions. Life can sometimes feel like a rubbish pit especially through those dark seasons that don't make sense. In those times finding the secret place is paramount to our sanity.

"The secret place is a place of peace and security, a place where we can give Him our cares and trust Him to take care of us. When we spend time in God's presence, He becomes our protection, our stability, our place of refuge. He becomes the source of our help, not only when others want to hurt us and speak evil against us, but in every situation and circumstance."

How awesome to have a place we can call our own. That place that doesn't depend on situation or circumstance. We find it on our knees - in the words of His Word - and in the times we set aside to meet with our Maker, and hear Him.

We have eight people under our roof (and yes I watched nearly every episode of 'Eight is enough') so finding a place to think can be tricky, especially when our bedroom is often used as a hiding spot for the boys, an extra media room or meeting place for half our family (and pets), so I have to be creative.

We had an unused space next to our dining room that (with the help of some amazing friends) was transformed into a beautiful haven for the girls in the house (and boys as long as were silent!) I filled it with books and paintings, big sofas and throw rugs. Perfect for that quiet time.

I found a space outside and ripped out the weeds & rubbish and transplanted whatever plants I could find around the house, as well as some from the markets...A restored bench seat under the shade and I had my perfect little spot for a cup of tea and an outdoor retreat (along with the rainbow lorikeets who visit every second day..)

It doesn't really matter where you go, as long as you go. You can sit on a chair at the table with your bible open and your journal ready, turn off the mobile and set aside half and hour to just go to that place with God as you spend time with Him and meditate on what is good, true, right, lovely and noble. Fix your thoughts on the truth not on what the world is telling you.

A word from God is greater than a thousand from man. It will keep you on course.

It will keep you safe.

As long as you remember to go back to the Secret Place.

"In the secret place of your presence you hide them from the plots of men; you keep them secretly in your pavilion from the strife of tongues." Ps 31:20

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