Thursday, February 11, 2010

The uncompromisingly righteous

I was reading through Proverbs 10 recently, and thanks to my trusted Amplified could not get past the 'righteous' theme in this chapter. This is not the only chapter in the Bible that focuses on being righteous, wise, holy & just, but it most certainly deserves its own blog!

This has been a crazy week to say the least. I have subconsciously been ignoring my Bible & have been treading water just getting through a week of daily events & life in a house of eight, so it was very timely to get a revelation from God (even if it was the 'slap in the face' kind...Ouch!!)

Right now there is beautiful quiet in my home (except for when the dog barks incessently at any movement of any neighbour, neighbours dog or bee!) and my laptop, bible and myself are all together at the same time! Wonderful!

Which brings me to my soul searching revelations on being righteous.. (uncompromisingly!)

The first verse I read was in verse 3:

"the Lord will not allow the uncompromisingly righteous to famish"

What a promise!! So... if I stay righteous (in right standing with God) and don't compromise (go against my core beliefs) then I won't famish (die of thirst and hunger). I am also guessing that I won't famish spiritually. Sounds like a good deal.

Another thought came to mind that if it wasn't for the cross, and the amazing sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity (for you & me) then it would be very difficult to stay "uncompromisingly righteous" in His eyes.

I would have to sacrifice one heck of a lot of rams & lambs for all my sins & unholiness.

The next lot of verses were so compatible with verse 3 that I thought I would list them so you can see what a great decision it is to stay on the "good paths that lead to life"...and not the bad ones!

"Blessings are upon the head of the uncompromisingly righteous.."

"The memory of the uncompromisingly righteous is a blessing.."

"The mouth of the uncompromisingly righteous man (& woman!) is a well of life.."

"The earnings of the righteous lead to life.."

"The tongues of the upright and in right standing with God are as choice silver.."

"The lips of the uncompromisingly righteous feed & guide many.."

"..the desire of the uncompromisingly righteous shall be granted."

"..the uncompromisingly righteous have an everlasting foundation"

"The hope of the uncompromisingly righteous is gladness.."

"The consistently righteous shall never be removed.."

"The mouths of the righteous (those harmonious with God) bring forth skilful & Godly wisdom.."

"The lips of the uncompromisingly righteous know & therefore utter what is acceptable.."

And that is only Chapter 10!!!

I love love love these promises. I love knowing that if I position myself in His will - in a place where I am seeking Him first and seeking His kingdom (not my own), then these things will be added to me. I will never be removed, I will say what is acceptable and my deep desires will be granted (he knows them better than I do anyway!)

Think about not compromising on the small day to day things in life, and what a challenge that is - I know these are the areas that challenge me the most.

My thoughts, my words, my actions, my inactions... all of them come under the 'compromise' or 'non compromise' banner!! I hope that more of them move to the latter as I purpose in my heart to live out this chapter (as best as I can)

This is by far my biggest challenge of the week (month? year?) - to aim to please God, not people, and to live an 'uncompromisingly righteous' life.

Not an easy concept...impossible is the word I'm searching for..(this is me here!)

So the many times when I become inconsistant, forgetful, neglectful & completely ignorant of this giant revelation (how could I???), I pray I will default back to His word, and back to His principles of wisdom.

The plan is to keep them as close as I can to my heart so I don't forget, and when I am tempted to compromise I will remember Chapter 10 in Proverbs.

It's a good plan.


  1. Another good *SLAP*. Thanks, Jen! Just what I needed...xx

  2. Thanks for sharing! We are honored to be serving alongside you...

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