Saturday, June 11, 2011

Love like that...

"His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that." Eph 5:2 TMB

What an extravagant verse!! Another translation says to 'walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering & a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.'

Isn't that the salvation message in a nutshell? Isn't the definition of pure love what Christ did for us on the cross? He gave everything to us, for us. His grace poured from heaven so that we could receive what we didn't deserve just because He loves us.

And, by the way, we need to love like that...

Sometimes the simplest words are the hardest to grasp.

Love is one of them. I mean... God is love. It's a big word. It's what makes the world go round, and it affects every person on earth.

Love also hurts.

The less you give into a relationship, or into life, then the less opportunities & chances there will be for any type of conflict, unkind words, disruption and pain. However the irony is that if you play it that safe you are most probably lacking in love & close relationship - which means that deep down you are hurting anyway.

The walls that were meant to protect us end up preventing the love from reaching us.

The hurt is worth it. The risks associated with real agape love are worth it. (it's the only way through to the other side)

Jesus most probably would have loved to opt out of dying the worst ever death on the cross. But it was the way through to the other side. It was pure, amazing love.

Another word I find hard to grasp is grace.

I'm only just starting to get my head around this illusive word that just seems to mess with my head.

Why can't I just accept that God just wants to love me without all the conditions?
Am I still acceptable? What if I do something wrong & the goal posts change?

Accepting Gods grace means accepting that you don't have to keep trying to be acceptable.
You can breath and enjoy the journey without having to people please and God please.

"But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more"

Good overcomes evil. Light overcomes darkness.... and grace overcomes sin.

It all ties in together really. The gift of God's grace is love.

When I am in a situation where I could show love, I should show it extravagantly. Who cares if they deserve less, give them more! Love to give, not to get. Easier to say than do, but it's definitely an exercise I want to see happen more and more in my life.

What a life it would be if we all lived like that. Outgiving eachother. Shining God's love and overcoming the darkness of this world.

Let's love like that.

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