Monday, December 7, 2009


I have so many beautiful friends in all walks of life, in all situations from all corners of the globe. I have friends with lots of kids and friends with none, some with husbands, some not, some who I have known a week, some I have known a lifetime. There are some who know my heart and can tell when I'm sad, and some who hardly know me, but I still love them. I am so blessed to have friends who are so rich in beauty and kindness. I hope that I can give to them what they give to me.
One of my friends bought me two bunches of carnations out of the blue. They were pink and white. That was great, but what was more great was that I had given away a pink and white bunch the week before on Mothers day, one to a random single mum at the back of church, and one for my mum. (We had bought a heap of flowers for all the mums in the mums room) I looked at those flowers all week and felt so loved by my friend and God!
My husband is my friend. He bugs the heck out of me but I know he loves me more than anyone in the world. He would do anything for me at the drop of a hat. Words don't need to be said and we know what the other one is thinking. Thank God for him.
The older I get the more I realise how much my family mean to me, and how priceless true friendship is. Those people in your world who would go out of their way for you even at their own expense. They are the friends that money can't buy.
Imagine if our wealth was measured by our relationships & friendships - not just figures on a page.
I would be rich.

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